Dr. Austin Chiang is a triple board-certified, dual ivy-league (Harvard, Columbia) educated and trained gastroenterologist and advanced endoscopist. In October 2021, he became the first Chief Medical Officer of the Endoscopy business for Medtronic, the world’s leading medical device company responsible for products including Barrx radiofrequency ablation devices, Pillcam capsule endoscopy products, EndoFLIP, Bravo, Sharkcore, and GI Genius the first-to-market AI-assisted polyp detection device to help endoscopists better prevent colon cancer. Dr. Chiang's interests include novel endoscopic weight loss treatments as well as the complex interventional endoscopic procedures including the diagnosis and treatment of various gastrointestinal conditions and their complications. These include a variety of cancers affecting the gastrointestinal tract such as the pancreas, bile duct, esophagus, stomach, colon, and liver cancers.
Chief Medical Officer, Endoscopy
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson UniversityDirector of Endoscopic Bariatric Program
Thomas Jefferson University HospitalChief Medical Social Media Officer
Jefferson Health
Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons (New York, NY)M.P.H.
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Boston, MA)B.S.
Duke University (Durham, NC)
Internal Medicine Residency
New York Presbyterian Hospital - Columbia University (New York, NY)Gastroenterology fellowship
Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA)Bariatric endoscopy fellowship
Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA)Advanced endoscopy fellowship
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (Philadelphia, PA)
Gastroenterology (ABIM)
Internal Medicine (ABIM)
Obesity Medicine (ABOM)
Dr. Chiang is currently an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Jefferson Health (Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals) in Philadelphia, PA, and serves as the Director of the Endoscopic Weight Loss Program and Chief Medical Social Media Officer for the health system. He is fully licensed and credentialed in the states of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. Having trained at the only dedicated bariatric endoscopy program, he is one of few triple board-certified advanced endoscopy-trained physicians in the world. His triple-board certifications include Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology by the American Board of Internal Medicine, and in Obesity Medicine by the American Board of Obesity Medicine.
Passionate about empowering patients with accurate medical information online, he pursued a Masters In Public Health with a field of study in Clinical Effectiveness and a concentration in Public Health Leadership. Consistently one of the most influential voices in the field of gastroenterology online, Dr. Chiang has conducted extensive research in social media and is champion of physician presence on social media and is the Chief Medical Social Media Officer of Jefferson Health and Founding President of the Association for Healthcare Social Media (AHSM), the first 501(c)(3) professional society for health professional social media use.
He also serves as the Social Media Chair for the Association for Bariatric Endoscopy (ABE), in addition to serving on the Public Relations Committee for the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), Member Engagement and Diversity Committee for the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), and Committee on Communications for the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS). He formerly contributed to ABC News as a resident member of the ABC News Medical Unit. Furthermore, he serves on the editorial board of the leading gastroenterological newsletter, Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News and was named one of the Top 200 Leaders in Innovation in Gastroenterology by Healio in 2016, 2018’s Healio Gastroenterology Disruptive Innovator of the Year, The Philadelphia Inquirer’s 2019 Influencers of Healthcare Rookie of the Year, and 2019 Medscape Top 20 Social Media Physicians. His role in social media has been featured by The New York Times, CNBC, BBC News, Men’s Health, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Becker’s Healthcare, and Healthcare Dive and has spoken at SXSW and HLTH, and other major conferences and conventions. He sits on the inaugural YouTube Health Advisory Board and joined the White House Healthcare Leaders in Social Media Roundtable in 2022.
美敦力 - 腸胃科事業部
美國費城 湯瑪斯傑弗遜大學Sidney Kimmel 醫學院內視鏡減重中心主任
美國紐約 哥倫比亞大學醫學院公共衛生碩士
美國波士頓 哈佛陳曾熙公共衛生學院內科住院醫師訓練
美國紐約 哥倫比亞大學醫學院附屬醫院肝膽腸胃科的專科醫師訓練
美國波士頓 哈佛醫學院的附屬醫院減肥內視鏡專科訓練
美國波士頓 哈佛醫學院的附屬醫院膽胰治療性內視鏡專科訓練
美國費城 湯瑪斯傑弗遜醫院
肝膽腸胃科 (ABIM)
內科 (ABIM)
肥胖症醫學 (ABOM)
蔣立楷醫師出生於美國南加州,10歲時跟隨父母移居台灣。 他初、高中就讀於台北美國學校。 2003年中學畢業後,隨即返美就讀於北卡羅萊納州的杜克大學 (Duke University),主攻生物並副修音樂。他是一位深具表演熱忱的小提琴家,曾為前台灣總統演奏過,也擔任過杜克大學交響樂團的首席小提琴手。 因此在2007年畢業時,獲得了Julia Wilkinson Mueller音樂傑出獎的榮譽。 杜克大學時期,他積極參與並擔任公益團體 United Innoworks Academy 的副主任。 他也為 Unite for Sight 公益組織,到印度Bihar省當過國際志工。
2011年,蔣醫師取得美國紐約哥倫比亞大學醫學院 (Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons) 的醫學博士學位。哥大期間,他擔任過院長諮詢委員會代表、LCME代表、以及醫學院音樂協會共同主席。 醫學院第二年,在哥大整形外科 Dr. Christine Rohde 教授指導下,他以此篇論文 Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields On Post Operative Pain: A Double-Blind Randomized Pilot Study in Breast Reduction Patients 贏得外科住院醫師在臨床項目的研究競賽。 醫學院畢業時,他也因優異的師生共同研究表現,獲得 Drs. William Nastuk, Beatrice Seegal, and Konrad Hsu 獎。
隨後三年, 他繼續留在哥大醫學院附屬醫院,完成內科住院醫師的訓練。 同時也通過了美國內科學委員會(ABIM)的認證。 這段期間,他也在美國ABC新聞電視台總部的醫療新聞單位,由首席醫療編輯 Dr. Richard Besser 醫師領導的團隊裡兼職。
從2014到2017年,蔣醫師完成在美國波士頓哈佛醫學院的附屬醫院 Brigham and Women’s Hospital 肝膽腸胃科的專科醫師訓練 (Gastroenterology Fellowship)。 由於他在內視鏡權威 Dr. Christopher Thompson 教授的指導下,加入前瞻內視鏡實驗室的團隊,也因此取得減肥內視鏡的專業證書 (Bariatric Endoscopy Fellowship)。蔣醫師在2017年,同時取得了哈佛大學公共衛生學院的公衛碩士學位 (MPH)。 他也是哈佛公衛領導統御實驗室的成員,專注於臨床診療有效性的研究。 蔣醫師在美國費城湯瑪斯傑弗遜醫院 Thomas Jefferson University Hospital/Jefferson Health,又完成為期一年的膽胰治療性內視鏡專科訓練 (Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship) 。
目前他受聘擔任該醫院的內科助理教授。同時也兼任內視鏡減重計劃主任及整個Jefferson Health 所有醫療院所的首席醫療社群媒體長(Chief Medical Social Media Officer)。2021年10月,世界排名第一的醫療器材公司-美敦力,聘請蔣醫師成為該公司腸胃科事業部第一任全球首席醫療長。他的職務涵蓋美敦力公司腸胃科事業部,在全球市場上銷售以及正在開發中的所有產品。為了促進醫療社群媒體的教育功能及杜絕網路不實醫療訊息的流行,他不辭艱辛,發起創設了一個非營利組織「醫療社群媒體協會」AHSM(Association of Healthcare Social Media), 並且擔任這協會的首任會長。
蔣醫師持續的在社群媒體 (Social Media)上,例如推特 (Twitter),為肝膽腸胃科的專業領域發表看法,也成為最有影響力的聲音之一。為了加強醫病關係,他積極鼓吹醫師應該廣泛運用社群媒體。他本人更是熱心地參與以下機構的委員會: 美國減肥內視鏡協會(ABE): 社群媒體主席, 美國腸胃科學會 (ACG): 公關委員會委員, 美國腸胃科內視鏡協會 (ASGE): 公關委員會委員, 美國麻州醫療協會 (Massachusetts Medical Society): 傳播與溝通委員會委員。2016年,蔣醫師被美國Healio網路媒體,推選入圍在肝膽腸胃科最有創意的200名領導人士。主流媒體 The New York Times, CNBC, BBC News, Men’s Health, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Becker’s Healthcare, Healthcare Dive 都有刊載對他的專題報導。